
San Diego AMI Net 3.870 Mhz Monday 7:00 PM PST Net Start

The West Coast AMI Net Control Schedule for Monday

OperatorNet ControlScheduleEarly Check-ins
GeorgeW6YEC1s MondayRon KD6VWS
PaulN6BZY2nd MondayRon KD6VWS
RonKD6VWS3rd MondayRon KD6VWS
SteveKF6SYD4th MondayRon KD6VWS
BobWA9JIB5th MondayRon KD6VWS

West Coast AMI Net: 3.870 Mhz Wednesday 7:00 PM PST Early Check Ins 8 PM PST Net Start

The West Coast AMI Net Control Schedule for

OperatorNet ControlScheduleEarly Check-ins
DaveWJ6W1st WednesdayJay NY6L
GeorgeWA6HCX2nd WednesdayJay NY6L
SharonK6IRD3rd WednesdayJay NY6L
SteveKF6SYD4th WednesdayJay NY6L
VicK6IC5th WednesdayJay NY6L

AM Frequencies

BandFrequency Khz
160 Meters:1.885, 1.900, 1.925, 1.945, 1.985
75 Meters:3885 Calling frequency
40 Meters:7.290 Calling frequency
20 Meters:14.286 Calling frequency. Activity is also around 14.330-14.340
17 Meters:18.150
15 Meters:21.425 Calling frequency
10 Meters:29.000-29.200
6 Meters:50.4
2 Meters:144.4 (Northwest)
144.425 (Massachusetts)
144.28 (NYC-Long Island)
144.45 (California)

AM activity is found on and around the frequencies above. However, AM can be used on any part of the phone band.